Focus Area:
Legacy Work

This collection encompasses much of CRPE’s foundational research, including school finance and portfolio strategy. While our current focus is in other areas of research, we believe that our past work is still highly relevant today. Further, should the field call for new explorations of these topics, we always leave open the possibility of reviving these research areas.

Researchers at CRPE use “Herding Cats” as a metaphor to describe the complications of district-charter school collaboration. I think they describe the challenges well, but they are also being polite. Really bad charter schools and...

To be of championship caliber, a crew must have total confidence in each other, able to drive with abandon, confident that no man will get the full weight of the pull…. When you get the...

This paper looks at why many cities have missed opportunities to create more lasting relationships between their district and charter sectors, and offers suggestions for fostering stronger partnerships that could help improve outcomes for all...

This piece was originally published as part of Fordham’s forum on discipline practices in America’s charter schools. The ongoing exchange about suspensions and expulsions in charter schools needs to be seen from the school’s perspective....

People who believe in a portfolio strategy believe great schools can prosper in many circumstances. The role of portfolio leaders is to create opportunities for innovation and improvement and to ensure all schools are getting...

Secretary of Education John B. King Jr. has called on charter schools to take the lead on rethinking school discipline. Speaking at the National Charter School Conference in Nashville on Tuesday, he said, “Don’t get...

The Florida Department of Education has provided two competitive grants to Duval County and Miami-Dade County to foster district-charter collaboration. CRPE research analyst Sean Gill spoke with Adam Emerson, the Florida Department of Education’s charter...

No one doubts that suspension and expulsion rates in too many public schools are far too high. This is true in both charter and district-run schools. No school should treat a child, much less a...

On the surface, the current dispute about Title I comparability (the requirement that schools within a district must receive comparable resources from state and local sources for education of disadvantaged children before federal funds are...

This paper explores opportunities for state education agencies to leverage their unique assets to advance district-charter collaboration..

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